

New LAAS Just As Incompentent As Boks'; 1/3 of All Cats About to Be Killed At One Shelter

Email received:

I apologize for the seeming deluge of requests for help lately, but we are facing a dire situation in Los Angeles.

TODAY THE SOUTH L.A. SHELTER REDLISTED 1/3 OF THEIR CAT POPULATION, MOST OF WHOM ARE ONLY BABIES! We have until Tuesday, July 28, to help until these kitties are killed.

Please, if you can adopt or foster one of these precious souls, many of whom have spent half of their very short life behind bars only to be now scheduled to die, we -- and they -- would be eternally grateful.

Please see Stacy Robbins' email with many redlisted kitties' photos at the following link:

If you can help, please call or visit the South LA Animal Shelter at 3612 11th Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90018 off Crenshaw and Jefferson ASAP. You can call the shelter at 213-485-0117 or 213-485-0119 with any questions or to process these babies!

Jessica Cliver <> has also generously pledged $50 per cat to a 501c3 that could rescue some of these kitties.


Let's save these souls. In the words of Lily Tomlin: "I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody."

Thank you all for your efforts and support!



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