She circulated the below petition just before the Beverly Hills Council meeting. Can you believe Council takes her seriously?
Just before the Council meeting, she claims she saw a coyote eating food left by Varjian, and that at least one person has been bitten by a coyote recently in her neighborhood.
Here is her petition. Maybe you want to sign it too and call her.
Dear Neighbors,
Dear Neighbors,
Please sign the attached petition to help us keep coyotes, rodents, and roaches, out of our neighborhood.
This year, coyotes were sighted in our neighborhood more than a dozen times.
Many of us signed petitions to stop a woman, Katherine Varjian, from littering our alleys with cat food which has drawn coyotes, rodents, raccoons, roaches, and other pests and diseases into our neighborhood.
Many of us signed petitions to stop a woman, Katherine Varjian, from littering our alleys with cat food which has drawn coyotes, rodents, raccoons, roaches, and other pests and diseases into our neighborhood.
Ms. Varjian, who does not live in our neighborhood, was given citations by Beverly Hills Code Enforcement many times for littering our alleys with cat food, but she has refused to stop.
She claims she must feed a large feral cat colony, but we believe she is mistaking our pets for feral cats, and we do not have a (oral cat problem here.
Many of our neighbors have to clean up uneaten cat food; two residents reported that Ms. Varjian tried to run them down with her vehicle; one neighbor claims to have once been bitten by a coyote; and some neighbors have lost their pet cats to coyotes.
Also, If possible, please attend the City Council Meeting this Tuesday night, July 7, 2009, at 7:00 p.m, at 455 North Rexford Drive, City Council Chambers. At that time our City Council will hopefully adopt a law which will prevent Ms. Varjian from continuing her feeding/tittering activities. We believe this meeting will be attended by animal activists who do not live in our neighborhood, who support Ms. Varjian, and who believe that coyotes, etc., are God's creatures and that we should learn to peacefully co-exist with them in our neighborhood.
We do not wish to harm coyotes, but they have been known to attack children, eat cats and small dogs, can carry/spread rabies, and we feel it is unsafe and unhealthy to have them in our neighborhood.
So our City Council needs our attendance and support. Please do your best to attend, and please return signed petitions to my mailbox at 123 North Palm Drive, or fax them to (310) 273-1284, or call and I will pick them up to present them at Tuesday night's City Council Meeting. if you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Thank you.
Darien Bojeaux, 123 N. Palm Drive, B.H., (310) 276-6847, t
A woman has been littering our alleys with cat food for years, despite the fact that the food brings cockroaches, rodents, raccoons, coyotes, etc., as a result. Many have asked her to stop, but she refuses.
We have been advised that the woman is Katherine Varjian and that she has been cited by the City of Beverly. Hills Code Enforcement on numerous occasions, but she prefers to continue to create unhealthy conditions and risk of death to our pets.
Additionally, it is possible that a coyote could attack a child.
Coyotes continue to be sighted in our neighborhood, and we are therefore requesting that the City Council of Beverly Hills and the City Attorney of Beverly Hills take all necessary steps, including criminal prosecution if necessary, to stop Katherine Varjian from continuing her unlawful, unhealthful conduct.
Signature, Name, Address, Telephone
I'd like to note that 102 people spoke against the ordinance, and 3 for; her petition does not seem to have motivated many people.
Darien's email to me:
Dear Ed,
Prohibiting the littering of our alleys with open containers of pest drawing food, or food on the ground, has nothing to do with TNR, and it is not a "feral ban".
Yes, there are cats near where Varjian has left food--cats which are being fed by others (properly) or are owned by others as pets and properly fed. You might have something there with your comment which begins, "No sane person would...."
If the alley feeding stopped, I do not believe there would be any starving cats, but even if there were, which I doubt, there certainly would not be anything close to 20 to 30. We, including animal interest activists friends, have yet to locate feral cats which were not already being fed by others than Varjian.
You don't want to believe anything I say because you choose to believe what you want to believe. And that is why people like yourself lack credibility. Here is a subject matter which you have absolutely no personal knowledge about, and yet you are sure that the facts are this, that, and the other, and that my husband and I did not see a coyote eating out of one of Ms. Varjian's black plastic food containers, which happened about three weeks ago now, no longer ten days ago. However, if you lived in our area you would have seen coyotes yourself and/or you would know about the numerous sightings of coyotes here.
Maybe you would get along better with your neighbors if you had some respect for their rights and interests. I have found that many people are cat lovers and are only to happy to feed feral cats. However, we don't do well with those who are disrespectful and hostile, and who feel that it is fine to strew cat food all over our alleys for no good reason.
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