Today is our very first Give Cancer the Paw Blog Hop, co-hosted by Peggy's Pet Place and Pooch Smooches. Unfortunately, cancer has affected too many family members and loved ones, including canine and feline friends. According to the National Canine Cancer Foundation, cancer affects one in three dogs, and Pet MD says that cancer is the #1 disease killer of pets. But this post is not to depress you, because there's hope. Many pets live full lives after diagnosis. And, many good people are working on new ways to diagnose and find cures. This hop is to tell our stories, offer help and support for one another, share tips and encouragement and good news too. You don't have to have a pet affected by cancer to participate. By joining together we can help educate and support....and Give Cancer the Paw!
First, I want to start with my story.
Two of my dogs probably had cancer, but we don't know for sure. My family beagle-lab mix Happy, and then our Airdale-Gordon Setter mix Corky both had tumors that were never diagnosed but were likely cancerous. Then there was Brooks.
We adopted Brooks last year, when he was 11 years old. He was the most loving Golden Retriever. The thing I remember about him best is that he would just melt when you touched him--he loved to be patted so much that every muscle relaxed until he was a puddle at your feet. Brooks seemed healthy until one day he wouldn't sit or lie down. He just stood, zoning out. I realize now that he must have been in intense pain. I still remember the vet when she came into the examining room with the results of the xray, tears in her eyes. She told us that his lungs were full of cancer. Brooks died the next day.
But as many of you know, we had the most wonderful year with Brooks. I feel that he adopted us in order to live out the last year of his life in total love and comfort. Difficult as it was, I would adopt a senior dog again. It was that good while we had him!
Although Brooks displayed no symptoms until a few days before, here are some signs of cancer to watch out for:
1. Lumps (may be benign, but always good to have them checked)
3. Lethargy
4. Sudden lameness
5. Sores that don't heal
6. Abnormal odors and discharges
7. Loss of appetite and weight loss
8. Pain
If you notice any of these symptoms, tell your veterinarian. Chances are they will be due to something much less serious, but it's always best to check.
I'm also teaming up with Dogtipper, All Things Dog Blog, and Zukes this month to share about Zuke's great products and to bring you some exciting dog treat giveaways with 6 great prizes, (be sure to check back here on Monday 11/18 for the Rafflecopter!) AND Zukes wants to Give Cancer the Paw too...with their Fuel the Cure promotion, they're donating $5 per entry to the Dog and Cat Cancer Fund. Thank you Zukes.
Please join our blog hop!
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