

Flyover Farewell

At 12:55pm Saturday, the animals gathered on the tarmac.  A group of twitter friends, bedecked with aviator goggles, readied to take flight to honor those pets who had crossed over the rainbow bridge.

Sadie D. Doxie offered an opening prayer.
Then The Aviators took to the air!

 When Taz, Daisy and Buddy of @3DogsWhite sent me a twitter message to tell me that Brooks was one of the dogs being honored in #TheAviators tribute mission, I didn't know what to expect. What was the tribute mission? Who were the aviators? Are these real airplanes, or what? I couldn't wait to join in on twitter Saturday to find out!

It turns out that The Aviators Club event is a lovely, touching tribute co-founded by Cori Berman, Dear Clyde and Shelly 338. They organized a detailed program with a special mission.

At 1:10  the farewells began. The planes went into Missing Pals formation and the aviators began calling out the names of departed pets.
At 1:32 Brooks' name was read.
(At 1:42 #TheAviators became a Trending Topic in the United States.)

As each pet's name was announced, pet parents shared memories and photos. One of the most touching tweets was "We wish to honor and say goodbye to all the animals who had no one to say goodbye to them."

The Aviators even flew near the rainbow bridge.

Then, at 1:55 The Aviators returned to home base, landed, and closed with a poem and a prayer. Thank you to Taz, Daisy and Buddy, and to all the Aviators, for honoring Brooks and for a special tribute to pets who have passed and are lovingly remembered.

 The Aviators fly missions for special occasions, tours of home towns,  etc., porch parties to deliver treats to sick friends, and tribute missions to honor pets OTRB, and use #TheAviators.

 Oh, and are there real airplanes? That's up to you!

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