Here are the links for this week. And read on to see the winners of the book contest!
* Two dogs trapped customers in Staples store near Chicago. The akita and Napoleon mastiff were subdued with pepper spray, captured, and brought to a nearby clinic for evaluation. The dogs were described as "viscious." No injuries were reported.
* If dogs could compete in the Olympics, how would they fare? Psychology Today takes a look!
* Speaking of Olympics and dogs, you might get a smile out of the Blogville Olympics, with the always amusing Frankie and Ernie, Benny and Lily, and other blogging dog pals! Go for the gold, guys!
* Need to fly Fido? Many airlines won't accept pets as "checked baggage or cargo" if temperatures outside are more than 85 degrees. The kennel you use can't have a top door, can't be wicker or cardboard. Elderly dogs, anxious dogs, and dogs with a snub nose shouldn't fly. The Los Angeles Times provides helpful information.
* Shine from yahoo asks, Do wild animals keep pets?
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