-----Original Message-----
From: Shark
To: Pl'IuI.Koretz@lacity.org
Sent: Tue, Sep 21,201011:57 am
Subject: Proposal to increase # pets per household.
Dear Councilman Koretz,
I write you today in response to the proposal you and Councilman Rosendahl have introduced, intended
to expand the allowable number of household pets to 5 each = up to 10 cats and dogs per residence.
Although I understand and have empathy for the humanitarian reasons you've introduced this bill, the
practicalities of it abridge my basic rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. With the advent of a
larger number unknown personalities living under one roof, you have no idea what chaos may ensue.
There very well may be a howler, barker, biter, or disease carrier moving in next door. Maybe 5 of them?
The people whoadopt these animals are not vetted. Some are cruel and will see this opening as an
opportunity to treattheir newly adopted pets inhumanely, like starving them or beating them or leaving
them alone all day while they cry for attention and disturb neighbors.
I understand you mean well, in the meantime, please take into account that many people will be impacted
adversely by this proposal.
Lorelei snarx
Secretary, BWHA
343 N. Alfred Street
Los Angeles, CA 90048
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