

Jimmy Gets a Real Public Defender

Today, before Jimmy got a public defender who was going to try to get the case dismissed, the City Attorney prosecuting the case told me the City has the jurisdiction to prosecute Jimmy for trespassing on County property, insinuating that he had talked to someone from County Public Works who told him the County wants Jimmy off their land because of liability issues. Mr. Atteukenian would not give me that person's name, therefore I suspect the truthfulness of that allegation.

Jimmy's last Public Defender, Monica, told Jimmy to plead guilty, and became outraged when Jimmy told her he fed feral cats. He fired her immediately, and that was two months ago.

Patrick McDonald of the LA Weekly was there and I am sure will post about today's outcome.

Many people have stopped by Jimmy's tent since the article came out, including our own Lori Golden and a fellow named Jason who wants to become active in helping homeless cats in the Valley.

Others have stopped by just to talk, and others to give Jimmy food for cats or for himself. Jimmy feeds seagulls and pigeons twice a day too, and would appreciate anyone who could donate crakers or cookies.

In the meantime, others have been working to getting Jimmy national media attention and we will see how that plays out.

Jimmy's new court date is, get this, September 11, 2009. Imagine, and Arabic speaking middle easterner going to court on 9/11.

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