

Mary Cummins

A little about Mary Cummins.

Mary Cummins started a blog to defend Ed boks when he first started in Los Angeles. She defended Ed against articles written by an Internet reporter, the ADL and two friends of the reporter. One of those friends maintained a blog attacking Boks.

I joined Mary in defending Boks with this blog. We defended Boks all the way through 2006 and we both made a lot of enemies. Mary made more than I because she was anonymous and was more bold in her attacks against this crew.

Two of these also attacked a commissioner who was known to be Mary's friend. These four, in a sense, eventually became Ed Boks biggest backers because he was now Mary's enemy and therefore their friend.

Talk about lying and cyberstalking, in just five minutes I was able to Google a half dozen blogs STILL up attacking Mary. This is one of the reasons the City thought it could get away with offering $130,000 in the lawsuit despite ample email evidence that back all of her allegations against Ed Boks. They, along with Boks went a long way to ruin her character. I am not going after Boks in any way, I just want you to know that there are four people that have been poisoning this lawsuit situation and are distorting the facts against Mary.

Mary and I both were shocked when we saw the 2006 year end results and found despite Boks bragging about spectacular success throughout the year, in fact, more animals were killed in 2006 than in the year under Stuckey.

All during the latter part of 2006 I was made aware of Ed's chasing after Mary and showing up drunk on her doorstep. Then in very late 2006 when the crazies were going after Mary and I, suddenly Ed Boks went silent. We had supported him and he was throwing us under the bus.

Well, the crazies eventually let me alone but they continued and continue after Mary. Take a look at the multiple blogs STILL UP cyberattacking her:

You'll find attacks on me if you read through the blogs, but I couldn't care less.

Now, imagine having attack blogs and weekly email blasts posting hate messages about you continuing for three years. Could you take it? How easy do you think it would be to find employment, win a contract or anything else? Count your blessings.

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