

Pet Wellness: Providing Pets with High Quality Care

Did you know that Morris Animal Inn has a Pet Wellness Department? Yes. That's right. Unlike other pet care options, Morris Animal Inn has dedicated staff just to monitor the overall health and well-being of your four-legged family member. Our Pet Wellness Department consists of trained pet care professionals who understand that different pets have different needs.

The comprehensive Pet Wellness Department allows your mind to be at ease knowing that Fido and Fluffy are receiving the care you've come to expect from Morris Animal Inn. You can be reassured that our staff has your pet's health and happiness in mind.

"We think it is important to pay attention to any possible concerns early and intervene to keep your pet happy and healthy," says Pet Wellness Assistant Jenna.

If your furry friend is lodging at Morris Animal Inn, our Pet Wellness Department establishes interaction and wellness checks for all guests from young to senior! For the care of your precious pet, their devotion and attention is incomparable.

Would you like to learn more about what makes Morris Animal Inn the right choice for your pet care needs? Please call 973-539-0377 with your questions!
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Mission Pawsible

4 Paws for Ability Papillion
I was talking to a woman on the phone. "Excuse the noise," she said. "I'm transporting a carload of papillions." In the background I heard little yaps and barks.

"No problem." I continued conducting the interview. I was speaking with Karen Shirk, director of 4 Paws for Ability, for an article I was writing for Guideposts magazine's website.

4 Paws for Ability provides service dogs for children with disabilities. Karen started the organization because she realized that many kids were turned down for service dogs. When she was a teen, suffering from a rare neurological disease, she had applied for a service dog and was turned down over and over again. They told her that she was too disabled to qualify. So she understands what it's like to struggle to get necessary help.

Karen explained that 4 Paws for Ability helps kids with autism, Down’s syndrome, diabetes, seizures, cancer, hearing impairment, loss of mobility, mental health impairments, and many other conditions.

Some golden retriever puppies at 4 Paws for Ability.
Over the phone, I heard her pull up to a fast food drive thru and order some food. I thought, this is a very busy woman, devoting all she has to help others, and animals. I felt honored that she took time out of her schedule to talk to me. I was inspired learning about 4 Paws for Ability, how she is helping people with disabilities, working with the dogs, and also how she is involving prison inmates in helping train and socialize the dogs, thus helping inmates feel a sense of worth and contribution to society as well.

You can find the complete article on Guidepost's website: Mission Pawsible.

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Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. Brooks and Kelly got new toys, but Kelly is only interested in trying to steal Brooks'. We're working on that.

Here are today's links:

* Do you restrain your dog when riding in the car? New Jersey may become the first state to require seat belts for pets.

* This great group recognizes that pets enrich children's lives, and are helping place pets in classrooms.

* I haven't seen the show, but I'm told that the Olate Dogs are amazing as they backflip, conga and wheelbarrow their way to a win on America's Got Talent.

* Meet Zeus, the world's tallest dog, a 3 feet 8 inch tall Great Dane, who also works as a therapy dog!

And now,chosen by random draw, the winner of the book Jimmy Mender and his Miracle Dog:
Houndstooth4! Congratulations!! Please send me your mailing address and we'll get the book right out to you.
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The Terrible Truth About Some ASPCA/HSUS Rescues, such as on Caboodle

You read the magazine adds or watch the three-minute infomercials by the ASPCA and HSUS about the terrible plight of abused animals across our country, and then the request for money.

Then you see the newspaper article and news reports on Channels 6, 7, 9 etc., about a local non-profit rescuer who had 90 or 150 or even 400 cats who were all rescued from deplorable conditions by the City Animal Services along with the local or national ASPCA or HSUS.  The reporter is told that the number of animals just got out of hand and the owner just wasn’t able to take care of the animals anymore.

He or she is shown in handcuffs on the grass in front of the house while cameras show 20 people with cat carriers, cages and dog catch poles trying to capture 150 cats or dogs, running to hide from these invading strangers.  You here how the person will be charged with animal cruelty or felony animal neglect, and maybe will receive mental health treatment for “hoarder” behaviors.

Daily News Photo of Muffin Being Rescued by Animal Services

What you don’t see is what happens next, nor do you know of the organized corruption involved by the ASPCA, HSUS, the local city/county Animal Services, and the prosecutors.

There is a scam involved, and it is all about making money for the raiders called rescuers, for the ASPCA, HSUS who make publicity by the raid, make the rescuer out to be a horrible person, the animals are all sick, etc., and many needed to be killed because they are not adoptable.

They also make money when the advertise the raid and say they need donations to house, rehabilitate and place these animals in homes.

They also make money from the rescuer who has had their animals seized, because they are charged $20-$25/day for each animal seized for their care, feeding and medical care until the owner releases ownership to the agency, who then can legally put them up for adoption.

But if an owner waits 60 days before he or she turns ownership over to them, they are running up a bill at a rate of $3000-$4000 a day, to care for the animals ASPCA seized, which is probably five to eight times as much as the rescuer was spending a day for the same care.

I have seen this over and over, where the rescuer loses his or her house to pay off a $400,000 bill from HSUS or ASPCA for care of the seized animals.
I understand that the amount charged to Craig, the owner of Caboodles by the ASPCA was $700,000.  That was the deal worked out between the judge and the prosecutor.

Now listen to this, in Los Angeles, the City Prosecutor, Steve Cooley, was once on the Board of Director of the Los Angeles ASPCA, and who determined the amount of money to be paid to the ASPCA by the rescuer for restitution while he was still on their board.  That person usually had to sell the house and property the cats had been housed in to pay the penalty and restitution, including court fees, penalty and restitution, or else it is simplely seized by the courts and then sold.

This kind of thing happens all over the country to real rescuers, who are usually extremely vulnerable due to lack of funds for a legal defense as well as having courts and prosecutors working together to get money for the raiders, because persons or properties that have a lot of animals, even well-cared for, and kept inside, are targets for other animal rescuers who may not like the persecuted rescuer, and report them for animal neglect or abuse, and who are also fighting for donations from the same local base of donors.

The terrible thing is that usually 1/3 of the animals are killed either during the hunt-down and trapping, or in the medical evaluation done later that day or the next, where having a cold means not 10 days of an antibiotic treatment, but instant death as diseased, or as being “irremediably suffering,” which is nonsense, as upper respiratory infection are extremely common in all City shelters.

For those who want to know more, just look at my other blog,, and read the story of Ron Mason and his cats.

Finally, the ASPCA/HSUS/City get  a final dip in the cash drawer when they “sell” the cat or dog to the public to be placed in a private home.  Usual adoption fees run anywhere from $75 to $150.  Let us say of the 150 animals that the raiders impounded, they kill the 50 least adoptable, the old, the skinny, the ones missing an eye, a leg or a tail, or who have terrible dental problems.  That leaves 100 very adoptable animals, who, at $100 each, brings in an additional $10,000.

If a larger rescue such as Caboodles is raided, say of their 700 cats, they kill 200 and adopt out 500 at $100/each for a total of $50,000 for an inventory of animals they paid nothing for.  It is like a manufacturer selling a toy where the raw material costs nothing, they just steal it legally.

So, it goes like this: Someone complains about a rescuer. City, County, ASPCA or someone else comes out to inspect the property.  They find animal neglect and that the owner has exceeded the number of cats allowed on the premise without a kennel license (Which is impossible to get in a residential area.).

They give orders to reduce the number.

Then they raid unexpectedly, usually just before a deadline to reduce the number of animals is due so as to catch the rescuer with the maximum number on the property.

They heavily advertise and publicize the raid and talk about the deplorable conditions they found whether deplorable or not.

They then catch as many cats as they can, and they never get all, lock up the property tightly and get rid of all the cat food and water, cut holes in the fences to let the remaining animals fend for themselves.

Lock up and charge the owner with felony neglect of felony abuse, leaving him in jail for days or weeks without the remaining animals being fed, and as in the case of Caboodles, four are found dead from starvation when Craig got back four weeks later.

Get TV, radio and newspaper spots about the raid and need for public donations to car for these free-to-them animal inventory.

Kill 1/3 of the least adoptable animals for a more sellable inventory so that they do not have to take care of the old and sick themselves that would not be adopted.

Charge the owner a hefty fees for “care” for the animals, and court fees plus any penalty amounts, and then put the owner on probation for three years, during which time he or she is not allowed to have any animals.  In the meantime, they seize the owner’s property to pay for the care fees, court fees, and penalty amount.

Finally, the animals are adopted out to the public at $100+ each.  Many they can’t or don’t adopt themselves are transferred to other private or municipal shelters where the stock may be culled again before any are adopted.

The photo of Muffin on this post are from the Los Angeles Daily News, which accompanied a raid on my friend Ron Mason in September, 2007.  Of the 52 cats impound, 25 were killed as “irredeemably suffering.”

Ron’s story ended very differently because I interceded and then others came forward to reveal the sordid details of how the system works in Los Angeles. 
However, ending this practice nationwide would be very difficult because it involves a rigged legal system working with HSUS/ASPCA and others, purely on a profit basis.

I don’t disagree that there may have been neglect in a majority of the cases, but the amount of neglect is nothing compared to the killing those animals suffer within days after the raid, and then to pine away in City or ASPCA shelters over the next six months in small cages until and if they are adopted or killed.  Public shelters only need keep an animal for four days in California before killing them.  In LA City, about 22,000 are killed each year, and LA County kills another 42,000+.
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Moses' New Home

You meet a lot of nice folk at picnics...and guess who we met?

This weekend we attended a reunion picnic for everyone who adopted their dogs from Peppertree Rescue. Brooks enjoyed meeting all the other dogs including....
Remember Moses, the beautiful, big golden retriever boy who came to join our family, however the sibling relationship didn't work out.

Moses' story was sad. He'd lived with a man who had become somewhat of a hermit, living alone in the mountains. One day the man died, and Moses stayed with his best friend's body for a week before anyone noticed the man had passed away and found him.

Luckily, Peppertree Rescue took Moses in, and he was fostered by a woman named Kathy. That's when we decided to adopt Moses. Peppertree gives a two week trial period before the adoption is final. During that time, however, Kelly and Moses weren't able to work out their differences. They both wanted to be top dog, and tensions in the house were so high trying to keep peace, sadly, we decided that he wasn't the right match for us and said goodbye.

Kathy readily agreed to take Moses back. And good news... she fell so much in love with him, she adopted him! Here's the happy family, Moses with his new pals.

It was great to see Moses! Kathy describes him as "happy and hungry." He's a wonderful dog, and I'm so happy that he has a wonderful family! And a happy ending for all, because Kathy has Moses, and we have Brooks, and everyone is in the best possible places.
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National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day

Today is the first annual National Walk 'N Roll Dog Day!
Frankie the Walk 'n Roll Dog devoted her life to helping others believe they can accomplish their dreams. Her motto is ALWAYS BE POSITIVE...MAKE A DIFFERENCE...AND KEEP ON ROLLING!

In Frankie's memory, this special day is to  honor and celebrate all dogs in wheelchairs.
Check out the special photo contest. When I saw all the pictures, I couldn't believe how many dogs used wheelchairs. You can Like their Facebook page, or help the Frankie Fund to help provide wheelchairs to dogs in need.

 I'm so glad that they are being helped and supported, thanks to Frankie and her mom, Barbara.

Kelly and Brooks support Walk 'N Roll Dog Day!

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Weekend Getaways for you and your pet!

Fall is the perfect time for a weekend getaway! Enjoy some well-deserved relaxation while taking in some crisp, autumn air and beautiful scenery. Don't worry about where Fido and Kitty will stay, we'd love to have them spend their vacation here at Morris Animal Inn!

Why lodge your pet with us?

When pets remain at home while you're away, they wonder where you've gone. Why not let them have a vacation as well? We'll keep them busy with our many amenities and activities! With the love, attention and exercise they receive at Morris Animal Inn, your pet will come home both happy and tired. While you're away let us spoil your furry friend!

Our Amenities

The Inn's dog lodging wing offers our canine visitors comfortable sleeping areas with  plush lambs' wool bedding and a professionally trained team of animal caregivers.
Aqua Massage and Splish Splash sessions in our indoor pool are available year-round for your four-legged family member! Activities such as Pampered Pets Sessions and walks on our nature trail may be customized to your pet's needs.

Morris Animal Inn offers group play sessions for dog-friendly dogs on our outdoor playground. Your dog can romp and play in the fresh air with other dogs who are matched by size and play-style. All groups are supervised by staff trained in group dynamics, and average a 5 to 1 dog to counselor ratio. Private daycare with a staff member is also available for the dog who prefers the company of people.  
                                                                                     Cat Lodging
More of a cat person? Our luxury cat lodging includes both condos and suites for your kitty's leisure. Some of these comfy cat lodging areas even include a TV for their viewing and entertainment! Our Kitty Playroom gives your cat free roam in our beautifully designed play room with climbing and scratching posts, skylight for outside view, toys, catnip, and furniture. Your kitty can take part in play sessions with a staff member, and "kitty walks" in our unique, enclosed Kitty SUV.
At Morris Animal Inn we do everything in our power to make sure our guests are treated like royalty! We provide your pets with a home away from home. While you pamper yourself, allow us to pamper your pets! Stop by for a tour with our talented and knowledgeable Client Care staff! Call 973-539-0377 with any questions you may have and to make a reservation.

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Brooks Books- Natural Way to Healthy Pets

Book: The Royal Treatment, A Natural Way to Approach Wildly Healthy Pets
by Dr. Barbara Royal
(c) 2012 Atria Books

BROOKS: I only have an obedience school education, so this book was a little heavy for me. And I mean heavy--- it's 371 pages long! I left the reading up to my mom. But Mom says this book is all about keeping me healthy, and I'm all for that!

Me: Thanks Brooks.
To tell you the truth, I too set this book aside for a while, not sure I'd really get into it. I worried I'd be getting a lecture, and would feel guilty for any non-natural things I did. Or that it would be inaccessible, full of unfamiliar terms, and instructions to buy weird roots and ingredients I had no idea where to get. Surprisingly, this book has jumped from the bottom of the pile to the top, and will from now on be one of my top go-to references for all things dog. I love it that much!

Chicago veterinarian Dr. Barbara Royal was the first-known veterinarian to administer acupuncture to a zebra...and while that particular classification may not include a large circle of people, what that means is that she was thinking of, and practically applying, natural treatments before any others.

The Royal Treatment is filled with fascinating tales from her casebook of pets, wildlife and zoo animals, and includes useful tips for our own pets. A large part of the book is dedicated to pet food. "A rotten diet will spoil all of your best efforts to maintain your pet's health. Animals must be fed according to requirements of their species." There's even a section on dieting your dog and tips for fat cats.

According to her press release, Dr. Royal "promises to do for vet care what Dr. Andrew Weil has done for allopathic human medicine."

Some of the topics covered include:
*How to decrease the risk of cancer in pets
*Why not all vaccines should be given annually
*How to treat a pet's arthritis without drugs
*How we can better deal with a pet's diabetes

Although the book may look dense, it's clear, easy to read, and full of helpful charts. And all the information is fascinating and most of all,  designed beautifully to give my pets a better, healthier life. Check out the book on Amazon, and visit the website. I highly recommend The Royal Treatment for every pet parent. What could be more important than keeping our pets as healthy as possible?

*Full disclosure: I was provided a review copy of this book. The opinions are 100% my own.
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Brooks Books- Dogs and Flowers and Grass

Dog-Friendly Gardening
by Karen Bush
(c) 2012 Hubble and Hattie
USBN 978-1-845844-10-3

BROOKS: If I went to sleep and imagined my dream-yard, it would be here on the pages of this book. If only it was a catalog, and I could pick and choose the features I'd like to order, and have them all delivered to my own back yard! I didn't read all the words in this book, but I loved the pictures!

Me: If you have a dog (or two or three!) and if you have a yard (or garden, in the UK) then you know that sometimes the two don't always go well together. Dogs sometimes escape from fences, dig holes, leave "landmines", and at the very least yellow patches of grass. What's a person to do?

Well, for starters, you should get this book, Dog Friendly Gardening. This book covers everything you need to enjoy your space with your dog. It's packed with ideas on how to make your yard beautiful and pet friendly, and how to keep your dog safe and secure.

As for fencing, I was pleased to read that the author does not support invisible fences and the shocks they use for training methods. "If you care about your dog," she writes, "please do not even consider installing one of these systems."

Now on to grass. She talks about lawn repairs, which is a big topic at our house. The easiest suggestion is to keep a full watering can handy to dilute the urine. (Note: I enjoyed the author's use of the British term "spend a penny" as in, "whenever you see your dog spending a penny, immediately water the spot thoroughly to dilute the urine."  I hadn't heard that before!) 

The book is not just the same old obvious stuff. It's full of fun ideas, how to's, and beautiful photographs. I love the section on enjoying the garden, with ideas for wading pools, hammocks, sprinklers, digging pits, tunnels and even a ball pit! If I had a big enough yard, I dream of outfitting it with a big rock for climbing, agility equipment, and all sorts of multisensory equipment to experience.

Check out Dog-friendly gardening on Amazon or on Hubble and Hattie's website!

*Full disclosure: I was provided a review copy of this book. The opinions are 100% my own. 
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Wednesday Pet Roundup- Two I Like, Two I Dont, and Two More

Wednesday Pet Roundup today is rounding up more great dog books! Today, I'd like to discuss Oprah's list of 17 Great Books for Dog Lovers.

Two Books on Oprah's List I Liked the Best:

* You Had Me At Woof by Julie Klam. Anyone who is involved in dog rescue, or has considered fostering a dog, must read this. Julie writes with such a wonderful friendly style, and she is so funny! Even if nothing happened, Ms. Klam could write about it in a way that makes it heartfelt and interesting to read. But plenty happens!

* Through a Dog's Eyes by Jennifer Arnold.  I think, when you get everything down to its basic elements, dogs just want to be understood. All dogs. The good dogs. The misbehaving dogs. The frightened dogs. And if we can understand them, then we can help them and give them what they need. Jennifer Arnold is one person who understands dogs. And, by reading her book, you'll begin to see through a dog's eyes, too. A must-read.

Two Books on Oprah's List I Didn't Agree With:

* I really wanted to like Katie up and Down the Hall by Glenn Paskin. The theme --a cocker spaniel uniting the multigenerational gang in her NYC apartment complex-- definitely appeals to me, but I just didn't feel it. The writing was stiff, reporter-like, and nothing seemed to happen. I skipped past pages of dog potty training and macaroni and cheese dinners trying to get to the good stuff. There was scenes of the devastating 9-11, but it still felt like just recounting the details.

* Nose Up, Eyes Down by Merill Markoe. I seem to remember that Ms. Markoe was a writer for David Letterman, and very funny. But I didn't enjoy her book. I never did relate to Jimmy the dog or Gil the man. Maybe it's more of a guy's book. I don't know. sorry. 

Two Books on Oprah's List I Haven't Read But Would Like To:

* The Dog Who Couldn't Stop Loving by Jeffrey Mousseaieff Masson.  I guess it's that picture that does it. And the title. A dog. A boy. Love. I'm there.

* Sophie by Emma Pearse. Oh my gosh, this little Australian cattle dog fell overboard, swam the Great Barrier Reef, and made her way in a wildlife reserve. She's had more adventures than I've ever dreamed of. I just hope it has a happy ending.

What about you? Which books on the list are your favorites? (See the complete list here) Which do you disagree with? Which would you add to her list, if you could?
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Brooks Books- A Fistful of Collars

Book:  A Fistful of Collars
by Spencer Quinn
Atria Books (c) 2012

BROOKS:  I LOVE Chet the dog, hero of A Fistful of Collars, fifth in the fabulous Chet and Bernie Mystery Series. Seriously, I wish Chet and I were bros. I want to tag along with him on all his adventures. For those of you who don't know, Chet is the canine partner of detective Bernie Little. Honestly, I don't know where Bernie would be without Chet. How could that mixed-up two-legger fight crime and find the bad guys without my boy Chet? Speaking of which, if you wonder what kind of dog Chet is, he's a mixed breed. I'd like to think he has a little golden retriever, like me, in him. That would just make him even more awesome!

I'm a huge fan of this series, and A Fistful of Collars is no exception. I hang on every word Chet barks. Yup, he's the narrator, and boy does he have a story to tell. So do yourself a favor and pick up A Fistful of Collars, and if you don't have the rest of the series, don't forget to get The Dog Who Knew Too Much, To Fetch a Thief, Thereby Hangs a Tail, and Dog On It as well! 

Me: A Fistful of Collars is like taking a wild, crazy romp with a dog you love, letting your dog take the lead and never knowing where he's going to take you! With Chet the Dog guiding (or dragging) you along, you are sure to be in for a little mystery, a little drama, and a fistful of fun!

Here's Brooks with the book, and his own fistful of collars.
Quinn's canine tone is spot on, with his engaging style grabs you and never lets go--kind of like Brooks and his tennis ball. In A Fistful of Collars, Bernie and Chet are hired to keep bad boy movie star, Thad Perry, out of trouble. Of course, nothing is as easy or obvious as it seems, and they're soon involved in a mystery that will leave you in suspense, while at the same time laughing out loud. For you cat lovers, there's even a cat, Brando, in the mix. Hmmm, do you think he's a good guy or a bad guy?

This book has everything going for it. I'm already sitting up and begging for the next book in the series.
Check out my review of the fourth in the series, The Dog Who Knew too Much.

Connect with Chet the Dog
Chet the Dog website
Chet the Dog on Facebook
Twitter @chetthedog

*Full disclosure: I was provided a review copy of this book. The opinions are 100% my own. 
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Brooks Books- Jimmy Mender and his Miracle Dog

This week is book review week, so please come back every day to read about another great dog or pet book! Today I'm reviewing Jimmy Mender and his Miracle Dog by Leland Dirks and Angelo Dirks. Read on for a chance to win a copy of your own!

 BROOKS: Miracle Dog? Now that's a dog I'd like to meet in real life! And that is what really drew me into this book. The best parts were about Phannie, the miracle dog. We first meet her when she's traipsing along the road, and she has someplace to go.

"Along a highway in northeastern Nevada, a sort of shadow moved. A dog with a purpose ran at night to avoid the heat of day. She knew where she was going. She just didn't know how long it would take to get there. 
         In the daytime, when she slept, she got glimpses of the man she was pursuing. She had to hurry."

 I like reading about other dogs, especially ones on a special mission. I won't tell you what Phannie's mission turns out to be, you'll have to read for yourself. But of course, true to dog nature, she ends up helping the man. Good dog!

ME: Leland's writing is strong and his imagination vivid in this engaging story of Paul Young and his trek of discovery. The story takes you along on a journey of love and loss that will tug at your heart. As always, Leland's at his best when describing man's relationship with dog. I love the protagonist Paul's intuitive connection with border collie Phannie.

A little adventure, a little magic, a little dog story, a little love, a little "what might have been"...Jimmy Mender and His Miracle Dog is a book you won't want to put down. You can get the book on Kindle or paperback on Amazon.

GIVEAWAY!!!  And now, here's a chance to win a copy of your own! Just leave a comment below answering the question: What is one miracle you'd like to see a dog perform? For extra entries, "like" Leland Dirks on FB, "like" my page on FB,  and if you haven't already, follow this blog. (leave an extra comment saying you've done so.) Contest winner will be selected by random draw. Sorry, U.S. residents only. Contest closes Tuesday 9/25. Winner announced on Wednesday Pet Roundup 9/26.

What is one miracle you'd like to see a dog perform?

*Full disclosure: I was provided a review copy of this book. The opinions are 100% my own.
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A Dog-gone Good Time with Dog Walks/Runs this Fall

Looking for fun and active ways to spend time with your dog this fall? What better way than to participate in a dog walk? It's a great way to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather while supporting a canine cause! We've put together a list of upcoming local dog walks.

Mutts Marathon - September 16, 2012 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM
400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ
The Mutts Marathon benefits the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Inc.
Activities include a Dog Walk, Dog Costume Contest, parade, vendors, a BBQ and more!
19th Annual “Grateful” Dog Walk & Pet Fair - October 6, 2012 from 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Brookdale Community College, 765 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ
The entrant with the most pledges for the "Grateful" Dog Walk will be featured as the 2013 Honorary Chairdog in next year’s logo, on t-shirts, bandanas, promos and billboards throughout Monmouth County!
16th Annual Hounds and Harriers Run - October 7, 2012 at 9:30AM
South Mountain Reservation, Crest Drive, South Orange/Millburn, NJ
This 3 mile run takes place on shaded park roads. Many prizes will be awarded by size of dog, veteran dog and more! A Paws from the Past run will also take place for those older dogs who can no longer run 3 miles due to age or disability.
St. Hubert's 5K-9 Run & Walk - October 13, 2012 from 9:30AM to 12:00PM
434 South Street, Morristown, NJ
Benefitting the St. Huberts Animal Welfare Center, the 5K-9 run and walk is 3.1 miles long and takes place on the trails of Loantaka Park in Morris Township. Entrants receive a T-shirt, dog bandana, and goody bag while supplies last.
FOSRAS Heart & Sole Shelter Walk - October 14, 2012 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Duke Island Park, Bridgewater, NJ
This 3 mile will take place in the Apple Grove Section of Duke Island Park. Top fundraiser will receive a $250.00 gift card and second pace will receive a $100.00 gift card!
9th Annual Dog Walk - October 14, 2012 from 11:00AM to 3:00PM
Community Park North Brunswick, Route 130 South, North Brunswick, NJ
This event is rain or shine and activities include a Dog Walk, games and a costume contest!
2012 Howl and Hike Dog Walk and Family Fun Day - October 14, 2012 from 12:00PM to 4:00PM
Horseshoe Lake, Succasunna, NJ
Along with the scenic trip around the lake, this entertaining day includes crafts and games for all, the Bow Wow Bazaar with vendor shopping, the Pet-I-Cure Boutique for the Pooch Spa, the Smooch A Pooch Booth for some doggie kisses and Adoption Alley to meet pets for adoption.
Bark for Life of Morristown - October 27, 2012 from 12:00PM to 3:00PM
Sunrise Lake, Lewis Morris Park, 270 Mendham Road, Morristown, NJ
This non-competitive dog walk and event is in an effort to raise funds & awareness in the fight against cancer.
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I'm Itchy Itchy Itchy

Recently I attended Petvocate's webinar on fleas and ticks. Petvocate is an online community supported by Pet Armor. I attended even though, I smugly thought, my dogs never had fleas. Then, about a week after the seminar....Brooks got fleas! I didn't know that would be a fringe benefit! But more on that in a moment.

Ticks--- now ticks we have. Kelly got Lyme disease (spread by deer ticks) and so did our previous dog Hudson. It's a horrible disease, so I also wanted to learn anything I could about tick prevention and treatment.

Dr. Karen "Doc" Halligan answered our questions about fleas and ticks, such as their life cycle and how they can harm pets. One question was how to tell if your dog has fleas, or if what you see is just ordinary dirt. The answer is to use a flea comb and get out the tiny black spots. They may not be fleas themselves, but "flea dirt" (yes, that's flea poo). Put on a paper towel and get it wet. If it turns red, then it's fleas. (the red is blood).
Kelly looks like a furry mop.
Then we learned about Pet Armor topical treatment. I'm not entirely comfortable about putting chemicals on my dogs, but my veterinarian says the benefits are worth the potential drawbacks, and I trust her care.  There may be some effective natural treatments for flea and tick prevention and I don't mean to dismiss them in this post. But because my dogs have been through lyme disease and because the health consequences of that are devastating, IN OUR CASE I feel it is warranted to continue using topical treatments.

Fleas and ticks are not just a simple nuisance. They can have many health consequences. Not only that, my vet told me that a flea bite is not just a little's like fire to a dog. Some dogs are more sensitive than others. Brooks just happens to be one of those super sensitive...and allergic to fleas. ugh.

So back to the webinar. Maureen Svoboda discussed the topical product Pet Armor. She told us that Pet Armor contains fipronil, the same active ingredient as in Frontline Top Spot. It's also available at Petco, Target and Walmart. One downside, I've heard warnings about getting your flea treatments online or at department stores. Some claim they are not as well monitored and regulated. But we also learned that Pet Armor is the official brand of the ASPCA, and they use it on all their pets. Also, Pet Armor has been thoroughly tested and the results show that it is just as effective as Frontline. If cost is a factor, it's up to each person to determine if it is worth trying the less expensive product. The website has coupons, QandA and lots of helpful information too.

A few weeks ago we took a trip up to the mountains, where there was long grass, and I think that's where Brooks got fleas. Funny, because Kelly was there too, and she didn't get any fleas. I'm not sure what makes some dogs attractive to fleas and not others.We treated him, we treated Kelly just to be safe, we sprayed the entire house, washed ALL the linens and pillows, washed all their toys, scrubbed everything ceiling to floor. HUGE ordeal. Now the fleas are gone. But two weeks later Brooks was still itchy. He bit his tail until it bled. I checked and no fleas. So off to the vet he went. Turns out he's allergic to fleas. She said that the effects can last for a month after the fleas are gone. Poor Brooks. So, he's back on steroids for a little while, and topical creams and all that.

Do you use topical flea and tick treatments? Have you tried Pet Armor? Has your dog ever had a severe reaction to a flea treatment? Have you found a natural product that works?

* Full Disclosure: I was sent six samples of Pet Armor to try, along with a fun package of two dog Frisbees, bandanas and a travel water bowl. All the opinions and comments are my own, and I was not influenced in any way by the free products.I have not yet tried the Pet Armor on my dogs, so I can't yet speak to how they reacted and how well it worked on Kelly and Brooks.
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Blogville Back to School Bash--Doggone Dieting

Blogville Back to School Bash
Doggone Dieting 101

Good Morning Class! I hope everyone is enjoying Blogville School today. I'm your teacher, Miss Kelly. 

The blond at the door is our teacher's aide Mr. Brooks. He's checking out the window to make sure the buses have arrived and everyone is here.

When I call your name, bark "woof!" 
I see Frankie and Ernie...very good boys, you brought your notebooks. And Puddles, I did as you asked and put your desk next to Frankie and Ernie. Now don't pass notes in class or I'll have Mona and Aimee put you in line. And Weenie, even though you're skinny and don't need to diet, you can help by chasing us all around the classroom for exercise, okay? And Molly the Wally...I think you are quite the foodie, so you can help us out with recipes and such. Oh my gosh, class is getting full. Okay Paige is here too, and Chip, Tasha and Anna Rose, Ms. Chunky and Coupette and.... Put your thinking caps on now! 
Everybody here? Ok, let's begin!
I suppose that most of you signed up because your mom told you that you're a little chubby, or you no longer fit into your favorite doggie couture, or maybe you just want to get buff and toned to attract that special someone. Well here's what you need to know!

Lesson 1: What To Eat
Hopefully you're already getting a high quality dog food or nutritious home prepared food. I know we all would like cheese and bacon instead. But if you're overweight, that's probably what got you to that state in the first place. So ask for the good quality, low fat food with lots of healthy lean protein.
Diet Tip #1: Don't eat out of the container!

Some fruits and veggies are good too. I like baby carrots. Mr. Brooks enjoys bananas. Try this for a treat: PB apple (Remove the core and fill with peanut butter! Discard core: apple seeds aren't good for dogs.)
How to make a PB Apple

 Lesson 2: What to do when you're hungry:
Do This

 Lesson 3: How to get more exercise
Take your mom and dad on more walks. It's good for them too.
Diet Tip #2: Pull on the leash like this.

Try a new sport. Are you up for a game, Frankie and Puddles?
Football, anyone?

Lesson 4: How to help your mom and dad lose weight
Tell them to read my book. It's all about how I helped my mom lose weight. Oh, Mom had a little bit to do with the book, too. Paige and Ms. Chunky, you've already read the book so maybe you can put in a good word!

You can find Dieting with my Dog on Amazon or any bookseller. Here it is on the bookstore shelves! Choupette, are you going to help your mum lose weight?

Lesson 5: Help for common dieting problems
Common Diet Problem: You weight to much.
 Help: Try standing on the scale like this:
Diet Tip #3: This technique will take off pounds safely and naturally.

Okay, that is all for today in Doggone Dieting. I hope you took good notes. **Puddles, put those tacks away!! Okay now, enjoy the rest of your day. Don't forget to go to the rest of your classes today, too. Oh, and if you're seriously dieting, you might not want to eat too much at Echo's burger food truck or Sasha's AWESOME POSSUM PIZZA food truck.

Now, it's not all school work....there's good cause too. Check this out. Weenie is going to be selling RIDES on his Fantastic BUMBLE BEE and Mona is "selling  APPLES fur you to give to your FAVORITE Teachers (remember how much I like PB apples??) and there will be 2 Door Prizes you can buy Raffle Tickets for at Pip's and Puddles' places. All proceeds will benefit Miss Sandra and the Houston Pittie Pack. And FrankieFurter's mom will match the donations (up to $500.00!) That's super generous of her.

Bye! Your homework is to enjoy recess, and have a healthy after school snack!

I'm working on the assignments.


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