

What Do you Do with your Pet's Leftover Medication?

Recently I was asked to help spread the word about how to properly dispose of your pet's leftover prescription medications. I never really thought about this before, but it certainly seems like a valid and worthy topic.

The first thing to know--April 28 was the DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, with collection sites available for people to deposit unused people and pet prescription medications. While I'm a tad off the mark in posting this date, the information is still useful.

I had the opportunity to ask some questions of Dr. Catizone, Executive Director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)

1. Why is Drug Take-Back day so important?

 Dr. Catizone: Prescription drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions across the country. In 2010, 7 million people aged 12 or older abused prescription drugs, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a government agency that conducts a national survey on related topics each year.

 The same survey showed that over 50% of people abusing these drugs got them from friends or family for free. Often those who abuse drugs, including teens, take them right of the medicine cabinet. This can include medications prescribed for pets.

 Ridding the home of unused, expired, or unneeded medications, helps to prevent the drugs from falling into the wrong hands.

2. Are pet medications abused by people? Which ones are the most commonly abused?

Dr. Catizone: Pain relievers and tranquilizers are two of the most commonly abused drugs, as reported in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Survey, and both types of drugs are used in the practice of human and veterinary medicine.

DEA has also indicated that buprenorphine and ketamine are drugs of abuse; each of these drugs is a prescription controlled substance approved for human and veterinary use.

3. Is it safe to keep leftover medication? For how long?

Dr. Catizone:  First, be sure to follow the instructions given by your doctor and your pharmacist for using prescribed medications, or the instructions provided by your veterinarian for administering medications to your pet. Talk with your doctor, pharmacist, or veterinarian if you have any questions about taking or administering medications, including how long to use the medication, and how you should store the medication.

Generally speaking, keeping leftover medication is not advised.

Removing these unused medications from your home helps to protect your pets, as well as other family and friends, from accidental ingestion or misuse.

4. What are the most common wrong ways people dispose of old medications and why is it harmful?

Dr. Catizone:  Flushing certain medications or improper disposal in the garbage can lead to safety and environmental hazards.

FDA does recommend that certain drugs are flushed to prevent danger to people and pets in the home. FDA has determined that the risks of accidental ingestion of these select medications, outweighs the small risk to the environment. A link to the list of drugs that should be flushed for disposal, as well as additional information, is available on the Medication Disposal page of the AWARxE Web site.

 5. What is the proper way to dispose of old medication?

Dr, Catizone:  If you have pills or medication that is no longer needed or has expired, dispose of it at an authorized DEA Take-Back location, or a local medication disposal program. The next DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is April 28, 2012 and collection sites will be located across the country.

Also, cities and counties across the country provide permanent medication disposal programs. Many programs provide a drop-box at a police department—these programs can take controlled substance medications for disposal. Other programs are run by hazardous waste disposal agencies or other entities that cannot accept controlled substance medications, but can take all other unused drugs for safe disposal.

 If there are no drug disposal sites near you, there are options for disposing of drugs at home. The information that comes with your prescription may provide instructions on home disposal. Only some medications should be flushed down the toilet and the US Food and Drug Administration has a list of these drugs on its Web site. If there are no instructions for disposal you can throw the drugs in your home garbage. But first, take them out of the container and mix them with an undesirable substance like coffee grounds or cat litter. Seal the mixture in a sealable bag, empty can, or other container that can be disposed of in the garbage.

Thank you Dr. Catizone!
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Two Dogs, One Tennis Ball

I've been learning firsthand about two dogs getting along, resource guarding, and sharing toys. So this video really hit home. How cute! It gives me hope that two dogs and one tennis ball can all get along!

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Cat Cartoon with Purrsonality and Cat Speak book

You ready for this? Two great things in one blog post! The winner of the Cat Speak book is announced below. But first, check out the perfect video to go with this book. If you're not familiar with Simon's Cat, you're in for a treat. This cartoonist is brilliant in capturing cat purrr-sonality!

And now,by random draw, the winner is
Contact me with your mailing address and I'll get the book right out.
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Wednesday Pet Roundup

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly is sitting around waiting for the grass to grow.  And instead of watching the grass grow, how about checking out some of these newsy links?

* According to Forbes, the average family spends more on their pets than on a child's K-12 education.

* How do you select your pet? Mother Nature Network reveals that most people choose their pet based on appearance. Check out one shelter's system for making good matches.

* From Meow the cat weighs 40 lbs. That's more than my dog Kelly weighs!

* Dog crate on the car roof? The Huffington Post reveals some other unfathomable means of transporting dogs in cars in the past...including strapping them in a sack on the running board.

* Also from the Huff Post, pet stores in LA may soon be required to sell only rescue dogs, cats, rabbits if the new bill passes. Take that, puppy mills!
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On Wednesday, May 2, 2012, Morris Animal Inn will be celebrating it's fourth annual doggie prom event! While no limos, date swapping, or drama will be involved, big hair, cute outfits and lots of dancing are encouraged! Dapper dogs - with or without dates - are all invited to our retro, 50's themed prom, "Bark Around the Clock!"  So put a quarter into the jukebox and get ready to jive!

Last year we went pink, this year, we are delving into the past, back to a world of doo wop, early rock and roll, saddle shoes and drive-in movie theaters! Sign your pooch up for our prom party and witness the inn transformed for this special doggie event! For your dog, highlights of the day will include:

-Music and dancing to some of the greatest rock and roll hits
-Prom photos at the American Barkstand
-"Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog" dash
-Barking and rolling on the pooch playground
-"Splish splash" dunks in our indoor aqua center

As per tradition, we are teaming up with a charity organization and this year we are happy to partner with SAGE Community Outreach, located in Summit NJ. SAGE is concerned with the health, happiness, and general well-being of older citizens and their families. SAGE operates New Jersey's oldest Meals on Wheels program and Adult Day Care Service. The SAGE Resale Shop supports their efforts by providing funds for SAGE's programs and services. We are collecting gently used prom attire and accessories to be sold at the SAGE Resale shop at a lower cost for those less fortunate. Any dog and family who donates formal wear will receive a $25 gift certificate for lodging, grooming or daycare at Morris Animal Inn. We will be accepting donations until May 2. A special thank you goes out to all of those who have already donated prom attire and/or accessories!
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Cat Speak Book Giveaway

Cats? Really?
Do you know what your cat is saying to you? How does he perceives his surroundings?
What does it mean when her ears are flat against her head?

Cat Speak, Recognising and Understanding Behaviour by Brigitte Rauth-Widmann (ISBN 978-1-845843-85-4, $19.95 US/9.99 UK, published by Hubble & Hattie), answers all these questions and more. This book helps us to understand the meanings of different cat vocalizations and body language. With clear descriptions and more than 130 color photographs, it's a must-read for cat lovers. ***Read on to learn how to WIN your own copy of this great book!***

Rauth-Widmann is author of numerous books about animals, hundreds of articles in The German Dog and Cats Extra magazines (Germany). She lives in Westerwald Germany with her family and 20 rabbits, 9 free-to-roam cats and 4 dogs (Labrador and Vizslas).

I could really use this book because I'd love to understand cats better. They can be an enigma. I must admit I don't understand my daughter's cat Cinnamon. Why is she so aloof? Why does she sometimes bite my daughter for seemingly no reason? And why does she hiss at me? (Trust me, she's a sweet cat, even if she bites and hisses!)

I have one copy of Cat Speak to give away!! To enter, just leave a comment below telling why you'd like to win this book. For an extra entry, "like" my Facebook page and leave a comment telling me that you did. Thanks!

The contest is open only in the U.S., except where prohibited. Good luck!

**Want to learn what your dog is saying? Check out my review of Dog Speak, by Christiane Blenski, too.
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Support Piggie

A college student is suing her university for the right to keep her pet guinea pig.

According to CBS Detroit, Kendra Velzen, a 28-year old student at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, suffers from depression and a heart condition. She says that her guinea pig helps her cope with physical and emotional challenges.

Velzen's lawyer wants to school's policy against allowing pets in dorms declared illegal, so that more students can benefit from therapy animals.

According to the article, Cathy Klotz, executive director of Intermountain Therapy Snimals, says there's "an important difference between therapy animals--which provide emotional support--- and service animals, which are used for essential functions like sight or alerting their companion to an oncoming seizure."

The lawyer claims that under the Fair Housing Act there are no requirements for training of a therapy or service animal, and no restriction on the type of animals considered therapy or service animals.

Should she be allowed to keep her guinea pig?
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Morris Animal Inn is excited to announce two new activity packages!  We know that every pet is different! That's why we are working to increase your options with new packages that can be added to any dog's stay (we have other specific play options available for cats). This allows you to choose what Fido would prefer. Read on to discover Fido's options!

Manners and Obedience Training

Improve your dog's manners and general obedience through positive training! You've spent hours training your pooch and now you're going on vacation for two weeks! Might as well kiss those lessons goodbye. Not anymore! With this selection, you can add several daily training sessions to your dog's stay. Not only will this reinforce your dog's manners, but it will break up their day and add mental stimulation. For dog's that have never been trained, this is a great option to go over basic commands. Manners training is also perfect for puppies and can be added a la carte to our Puppy Steps program.  When your canine companion is not training, they can move their muscles with "business walks" on our shaded trail where they can stop to smell the roses!

Health and Fitness

Our health and fitness packages are great for any dog but especially canines with boundless energy or those needing to shed a few pounds. Your dog's day will be active with activities like canine cardio sessions. Canine cardio sessions are customized to your dog's preference and can include our canine treadmill. When not splish splashing in our pool, playing with other dogs, exercising on the canine treadmill or enjoying a serene trail walk, your furry pal can relax on a raised bed while munching on a healthy treat.

Whether large or small, old or young, these new activity packages are great for any dog's stay!

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Wednesday Pet Roundup-

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup! Kelly says stop and smell the tulips! Here are your links this week:

* The Chicago Tribune brings us 5 Ways to save on Pet Costs. Can you guess any?

* Grab a kleenex and read the ABC News report how this faithful dog stands by his friend who was hit by a car.

* Once a month, the Northern California contingent of Tripawds meets-- a group for canine amputees and their owners. The group's motto is "Be more dog. Appreciate every day that you have."

* The Chicago Sun Time reports that Boots the cat, 11 years old, was spared euthanasia after the death of his owner. Boots now resides at Cats Are People Too shelter.

* A Santa Ana, California family pleads not guilty for exposing children to unsanitary conditions in a home with 110 cats.
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Dog Speak

For the best dog-human relationship, I want to understand what my dog is telling me. To do that, I need to understand her body language. I know when her tail's wagging and her body's relaxed, she's happy. When she lies on her back with her belly exposed she feels secure. I've seen her "play bow" when she wants to play.  But I'm only brushing the surface here.

That's why I was delighted to discover this gem of a book, Dog Speak by Christiane Blenski (ISBN 978-1-845843-84-7, $19.95 US/9.99 UK, published by Hubble & Hattie.) It couldn't have come at a more opportune time, as we've been introducing Kelly to potential new dogs and I want to understand how the two dogs get along together.

The book is divided into three sections: The Polite Dog, The Aggressive Dog, The Talking Dog. Each page is full of excellent photographs of dogs reacting and interacting together to illustrate the points. I enjoyed the first section about the greeting ritual.
When a dog sees another dog, he it may sprint toward the stranger.
Then, a polite dog will approach diagonally and walk around the side, not head-on.
Then the dogs will walk around, sniff, strut, attempt to place his head on the other dog's back, etc.
During this ritual, the book suggests that the people not stare, call their dog or interfere so that the dogs can go through this ritual undisturbed.
If both dogs have decided that they like each other, you will see their bodies relax, tails wag, ears back and eyes moving side to side.
I learned more about how to tell if dogs like each other, dislike each other or are just disinterested.

One of the most common mistakes when trying to understand "dog talk" is anthropomorphism, or assuming they feel the same way as people do. When you read this book you'll get a much better understanding of what is really going on in various situations by the way the dog is holding her ears, tail, her facial expressions, whether she is panting or barking, etc. 

Dog Speak goes beyond the basics and gives you a deep-down understanding. There are sections for dogs and dogs, dogs and people, puppies and older dogs, and problem solving. This is an extremely helpful book, written in a fun, clear way. It will help you understand not only what your dog is saying, but also ways to respond in ways that will help your dog, and strengthen your bond.

I was provided with a copy of Dog Speak for review, but the opinions are 100% my own.
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Blog the Change-- Peppertree

Blog the Change is an opportunity to write about an animal group close to our hearts that we'd like to highlight, and this month I happen to have just the perfect group.

I've been dealing with Peppertree rescue group in finding a dog to join our family. Our circumstances require finding the right fit for our lovable but headstrong older resident dog, which is proving to be a bit difficult. Through it all Peppertree has been helpful, professional, compassionate and equally concerned about all the animals and people involved.

In our experience, Peppertree Rescue:
1. works diligently to rescue dogs needing forever homes.
2. suggests potential dogs to prospective parents and makes every effort to make good matches
3. cares deeply about their dogs' well-being
4. takes excellent medical and physical care of their foster dogs
5. observes the rescue dogs' temperaments and works on behaviors in the foster homes
6. arranges to meet prospective parents and their dogs at a neutral location to introduce the dogs
7. provides exemplary support and help during the entire process
8. helps provide or lend equipment when needed
9. has an excellent trainer who can help advise if needed
10. offers a 2-week trial period to allow the dog a chance to settle down in the new environment and for everyone to get to know each other

I want to give Peppertree Rescue high praise for their professionalism, understanding, helpfulness, and compassion for all involved. If you are in the Albany NY area and looking to adopt an animal companion, please contact Peppertree.
Here (and Hutch, above) are some of their dogs available today:


Sweet Pea


Sir Lucky

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I Can See You!

Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop!

Recently we've put up a birdfeeder in the yard. I love watching all the birds come to dine. But I'm not the only one enjoying the view. Check out this neighbor cat, who must be looking for a new dining place of his own! So far there have been no close calls, but I do shoo him away. I want the birds to feel safe.

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Where's Kitty? Under the Chair!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kitty Cradle for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you've been looking for a special place for your cat, but have a smaller home or cramped apartment, here's a new idea.

The Kittle Cradle cat hammock!

This cat bed fits underneath your own chair, utilizing wasted space. It looks like a comfy sling, and will fit under any type of chair. Your cat will have its own hiding place to feel secure and comfortable.

I don't have a cat right now, but I know that my daughter's cat loves to hide in, under and behind things. Cinnamon already hides under chairs, but maybe this hammock would make her even more comfy under there. And I bet there are lots of places the hammock could be mounted that would make a nice resting place for a cat.

This new product will be on sale this summer, but you can reserve yours now. If you think your cat might like a snug little bed to call her own, check out the cat hammock

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You know Mr. Chewy don't you? Of course you do! He's been around, visiting all the websites, making his presence known and telling us all about his Pawsome service providing the best pet foods and treats right to your door. We tried out the service before, and it's easy to use, speedy, and priced cheaper than many pet store prices!

Now our good friend Mr. Chewy asked us to sample these delicious new natural treats, YumZies. How could we say no? YumZies are
no artificial flavors or preservatives
grain free
contain Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids 
moist and delicious!

The treats are available in four flavors and two different sizes, regular and mini for training.

Mr. Chewy shipped a bag on over (we chose cheese flavor) and the next day Kelly was getting excited about discovering what they tasted like. The texture of these treats felt a little stiff to me. Not hard and crunchy, yet not soft like a moist treat. So I wondered if that wouldn't appeal to Kelly.

There you have it! As you can see, the yumzie has disappeared! Kelly wants you to know that these natural cheese treats are....yumzie! Thank you Mr. Chewy!
*We were provided with one bag of Yumzies to review, all opinions are 100% our own.
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It is with very heavy hearts that we said goodbye to our dear, sweet boy Moses. I know you are shocked to hear this and I still can't believe it. It was the best opinion of people we trust that Moses and Kelly both would be happier with a different situation. We love you Moses.

Meet Our New Dog
Kelly and Moses Adjustment
What the Trainer Says
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In honor of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month this April, we'd like to highlight some of the ways you can indulge your pet. Thanks to organizations like the ASPCA, the world has made huge strides in preventing cruelty or violence against animals. Pets, most of all, have prospered from this change. Dogs no longer sleep in the backyard or the garage, they sleep nestled next to us in our beds or on their own plush doggie mat. They wear coats in the wintertime and eat gourmet food.  Nourish this special bond by spoiling your pet with the following luxury spa treatments offered at Morris Animal Inn's grooming salon.

Facial Scrub

You thought only you could receive a facial? Think again! We offer a refreshing blueberry and vanilla scrub that will help whiten tear stains, clean dust and grime from facial fur and leave your pooch's face smelling sweet and delicious! This facial scrub is especially great for breeds with wrinkles and folds like Pugs and Shar Peis.

Paw Treatment

Much like a human pedicure, this paw treatment will soothe and moisturize dry, cracked paw pads. It will also eliminate that corn chip smell that comes from bacteria and instead, leave behind the fragrant scent of vanilla!

Shed-Less Treatment

If you have a dog that sheds, you either have a lint brush in every room of your house or you have simply given up and accept the dog hair as a fashion accessory. If you would like to eliminate some of that extra fur in your life, try our Shed-Less Treatment. This treatment removes dead hair and dander from your dog's coat. The process involves a bath with a specialty shampoo followed with an exclusive de-shedding solution. After the bath and premier conditioning, pets are dried and brushed out with a combination of tools designed to remove the greatest amount of undercoat. While the Shed-Less Treatment does not stop the natural shedding process, nor is it a one-time cure (for best results it should be done every 4 weeks), it does extract extra hair that would eventually shed and find its way onto every surface of the furniture in your house.

Canine Salon Experience

For the ultimate in pampering, try the Canine Salon Experience. This luxurious treatment includes a blueberry facial scrub, the soothing paw soak, a vanilla bubble bath, revitalizing deep-moisture shampoo (ginger and grapefruit scented), and is followed up with a vanilla and white ginger conditioner. Your pet's fur will be silky smooth and smell fabulous!

This month or any month, indulge your pet with one of our special spa treatments!
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The Two Dogs-- A Trainier's Expert Opinion

When we brought Moses into our home, sometimes things were beautiful with Kelly and Moses. They seemed to okay together. We loved having this beautiful sweet boy. Sometimes Kelly was territorial. I guess that's to be expected. It's tough to share your new home. And Moses had been in several homes recently. He probably felt a bit insecure.

Kelly reacted to sharing her food, toys and me. Moses growled back. Again, I understand both sides.  Sometimes they avoided each other, sometimes they played. Because Moses is so big, he sometimes played a bit rough for her. But not malicious. Kelly wasn't malicious either. She gave warning tussles, but never took it too far.  I think she was just not used to sharing. Once she approached him and tentatively stuck out her little pink tongue and tried to groom him. He wanted no part of that. He was the boss!

When they were separated, they barked and whined. Did they want to be together or not? I was confused.

So the rescue group, which has been amazingly supportive, sent over their trainer. Cyd entered, prepared with a squirt bottle of water and a pocket full of tiny treats. We put the two dogs on leashes and watched them interact.

When Kelly approached Moses, Cyd talked to her in positive, upbeat tone. When Moses tried to mount Kelly, Cyd talked to him in positive upbeat tones. Cyd has a wonderful way about her. I love that she is not correcting, scolding and harsh. I can tell at once that she is in tune with the dogs. Cyd observed keenly, and came to these conclusions:
1. Moses is dominant male
2. Kelly is dominant female
3. Kelly is protective of me
4. The house is on the small side and Moses is on the huge side, so it is hard for him to get away when they squabble.
5. Moses's mounting behavior shows that he wants to be dominant over Kelly
6. Moses will not submit to Kelly-- he won't roll over for her, or allow her to groom him

Cyd helped me understand the dogs' body language. She doesn't feel that they would hurt each other intentionally. But she does feel there is the potential for someone to get hurt, mainly because of the size difference, cramped quarters, and personalities. Would you recommend  this match? we asked. "I think Kelly really needs a submissive male," she said.

She gave us some tips for working on the situation:
1. Separate them with a baby gate, so they can see and interact through the gate.
2. Take them on lots of walks together
3. Relax and talk positively.

Next time: How did it work out?
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Gardening with your Dog

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

When Miracle-Gro asked me if I might want to try out its new product Expand ‘n Gro™, I thought, I like gardening, but how can I blog about that? That has nothing to do with dogs at all! And then I thought, no, it isn't something I use to help care for my dog... but I wanted to step up and write a review anyway, because I like to promote everyday activities that you can do with your dog, and gardening is one!

I have so many chores to do in a day, but when I can do these tasks along with my dog, it's a lot more fun. That's why I like gardening with Kelly. Sometimes just having Kelly lying in the grass beside me is enough. Other times I make it more fun by taking breaks to throw her a tennis ball, tickling her with blades of grass or weeds, and splashing her or giving her a drink of water from the hose.

I also love to photograph Kelly in the garden, so making sure my plants are lush and full helps. I would use Miracle-Gro Expand 'n Gro concentrated planting mix on the flower bed alongside my driveway to help make those plants big and beautiful.

EnG Product Shot.png

I learned that it works by expanding up to 3x when mixed with water and feeds my plants for up to 6 months. That sounds like a time-saver to me. And it's an easy way to prep my gardens for spring and summer. The package states you can yield up to three times the fruits and veggies, versus natural soil. I can't wait to show you pictures of Kelly beside lush, full petunia plants, or maybe tomato plants?!

If you love to garden with your dog, you can take advantage of this opportunity for a free sample of Miracle-Gro Expand 'n Gro now! Just leave a comment here on my blog, and Miracle-Gro will send you a sample!

Check out this video to learn more.


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New Grooming Tools from FURminator

I was so excited when FURminator contacted me and offered a trial of their new at home grooming tools. When I tested the FURminator deshedding tool last year, I was amazed by the product! I now use it regularly and it really helps keep Kelly's undercoat under control.

Now Furminator is introducing a new grooming line that includes nail clippers, nail grinders, slicker brushes, rakes, combs, dual brushes and curry brushes.
They include:
* bendable, FUR-flex necks
* ergonomic durable grip handles
* anti-microbial additives

The tools can be used as part of FURminator’s recommended 2-Step Grooming Process, which encourages brushing first to detangle and smooth fur, and combing second to smooth and extract debris, mats and tangles. We received a small soft slicker brush

and a small finishing comb.

Look at how much hair came out~
  What did we think of FURminator grooming tools?
*easy to use
*gentle on the dog
* dog seemed to enjoy the grooming
*removed loose hair and snarls easily

I even think the price, $17.99 and $19.99 is fair for the quality of durability of the product.

Doesn't she look relaxed?

The best part was how much Kelly enjoyed the experience. Now, she doesn't usually enjoy being groomed, so this is saying a lot. I think it was because the teeth didn't pull her fur or scratch her skin.
“Our new product line offers gentle, safe and durable tools that will expand pet owner options to groom efficiently and effectively,” says Cathy Heimberger, FURminator’s marketing director.

These new products are sold at pet specialty stores and are also available online at

---Based in metropolitan St. Louis, FURminator was founded in 2002 by husband and wife team David and Angela Porter. S For more information on FURminator, visit
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Rescue work and Love

Isn't Daisy adorable?
Woof Friday! 
The first Friday of every month we feature a guest post by animal rescuer, Sharon Azar.

Tough Love
by Sharon Azar

Daisy, the adorable young female King Charles spaniel is visiting this week! PoohBear, Chili and Tigger the cat are all rolling their eyes, "her
again?!!"  They'd forgotten how much they learned to love her on her last visit.

Right now she's just a ball of fiery energy. "Don't worry guys, we'll be fine,"  I say.

They just walk away and sigh.

Being a spaniel, the moment she spots Samurai, the cat, she's goes into hunting mode. He bolts, she pursues. I gently take her harness and draw her to me with a calm but firm 'no', sit her on my lap and pet her until I sense her breathing and heartbeat are less like a revved up engine. Samurai comes out from hiding and again, Daisy pursues, unable to resist. We repeat this about 15 times.

When I sense she's reached a sense of calm on my lap, I take her and PoohBear out for a long walk before turning in. It's late and now all the dogs, cat and humans are in their places of rest. Morning comes and as always Tigger wants his breakfast before I take the dogs out. I begin preparing and spot Daisy watching and slowly inching toward the kitchen, ready to pursue. Looking her in the eye, I say in a focused whisper, 'no' . She stops in her tracks. I feed Tigger while Daisy watches, respectfully. No problem!!. Daisy shows herself to be intelligent and willing to please. I want to hug her in gratefulness, but that would break the spell, so I simply take a breath and smile.

In my many years of rescuing and living with dogs the most important lesson learned was that nothing ever gets accomplished by yelling or punishing. If a person cannot work with a dog's particular needs patiently and with love and intelligence, they should not have a dog. An old friend/trainer said "living with a dog is a responsibility not a right".  For me, living with dogs/cats is a joy worth all the work.

Check out Sharon's animals for adoption at WOOF!
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Nancy with Angie as a puppy at 4 months
Nancy, Guest Services Manager of Morris Animal Inn was on a roll. Her beautiful American Eskimo dog, Bianca, was a naturally well-behaved dog. As a volunteer at St. Hubert's, Nancy decided Bianca was the perfect candidate to become a pet therapy dog. Pursuing this goal with vigor, they blew through the pet therapy certification program at St. Hubert's with ease. Once they accomplished their goal, Nancy and Bianca visited nursing homes and hospitals in the area like Morristown Memorial Hospital and Overlook Hospital in Summit. The whole process was extremely rewarding.

Things were going great until her darling Bianca died very suddenly and unexpectedly because of a lesion on her brain. Heartbroken and living in a house that felt empty without Bianca, Nancy and her husband decided the only way to move on, was to bring a new dog into their lives.

Nancy's next pooch, Angie, is the same breed as Bianca, but has a very different personality. Unlike Bianca who was calm, cool and collected, Angie has a penchant for naughtiness. She often gets into every garbage in the house and terrorizes her cat sisters by eating their food before they can. Her playful and social personality leaves her with boundless energy so she is a regular in our daycare program and at our parties. With her good looks, Angie has become a bit of a poster child for Morris Animal Inn, often appearing on flyers for our events and even on the cover of our brochure!

Angie at 1 years old
Nancy wanted to do pet therapy with Angie but she knew it would be harder this time around since Angie was more interested in eating other dog's poop than listening to her. To get her on the right track, Nancy began training Angie as a puppy at Morris K9 Campus in Randolph, NJ with excellent results.

When a few dedicated animal lovers created their own pet therapy organization called Creature Comfort Pet Therapy in January 2012, Nancy took advantage of their first pet therapy certification class and began training Angie. Angie successfully passed the certification program this March! Yay Angie!

What are the Pet Therapy Requirements?

-Your dog must be at least one years-old.
-Your dog must know basic commands like sit, stay, down, and come. Your dog should not bark out of turn or jump.
-Your dog must love to be petted and enjoy being around people.
-Fido should not frighten or startle easily since they will be around strange objects like wheelchairs, moving beds and oxygen tanks.
-Should get along well with other dogs since your dog may pass other therapy dogs in the hallways of the hospital or nursing home.
If your dog has those qualities, he/she is an excellent candidate for becoming a therapy dog! Find which organization you want to get your dog's pet therapy certification from and receive an evaluation from them. If the answer is yes, than you are on your way to developing your canine into a pet therapy dog!
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