

Low Cost Boarding for Tough Times

If you're temporarily in a tight situation such as being evicted,moving, a victim of a disaster such as fire, domestic violence and other situations---and you want to keep your faithful companion animal friend but need time to sort things out, there's help.

My good friend Sharon, of Woof! wrote to tell me about The Safety Net Program of Animal Care & Control of New York City. The Safety Net Program has very affordable boarding rates available through participating veterinarians, boarding facilities, and foster homes. The cost is only $8 per day for dogs, regardless of the size, and $6 per day for cats. Families are always able to visit their pets while being boarded, however animal must be reclaimed within a reasonable amount of time.

This can be a helpful service to those undergoing financial struggles or transitions. Although the cost is lower than most kennels, it still may be impossible for some people, especially over an extended time or if they have several pets. This can help a family  keep their pet while going through a difficult time, and reclaim the pet as soon as they are able.

Pick up the Safety Net super low cost BOARDING CONTRACT or download it from the Safety Net web site at .
Safety Net at 718-544-PETS.


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