

Beverly Hills Neighbor Claims Varjian Is Not Feeding Feral Cats

I just receieved a comment regarding the Beverly Hills colony manager, Katherine Varjian, who was being charged with feeding feral cats.

Darian Bojeaux, get this, claims there are no feral cats in the area Mrs. Varjian is feeding. Darian claims since there are no cats being fed by her, and she has refused to stop feeding non-existent of invisible cats, she deserves to be arrested.

Here is Darian's comment:

"First animal rights people sent out e-mails to many claiming that Varjian had been arrested for feeding cats. Now the claim is being made that they are afraid she might have to go to jail. Which is true? Are facts being manipulated to conjure up sympathy and support for Varjian?

Varjian does not live in our neighborhood, but she insists upon littering and leaving cat food in our alleys which draws coyotes, rodents, etc. She also claims that there is a colony of feral cats in our area which is not true. We residents, including animal lovers like myself, have asked Varjian repeatedly to stop her conduct, but she refuses to respect our wishes.

This is not a person who deserves sympathy and support. This is a person who should direct her energy to helping cats in a sensible manner such as by feeding cats who are awaiting adoption. If she would, then she wouldn't have to worry about getting arrested.

Darian Bojeaux

123 Palm Drive

Beverly Hills

Well Darian, do you really believe anyone would believe Mrs. Varjian just goes into your neighborhood to feed invisible or non-existent cats to tick you off or because she is insane? ? Are your values so distorted you have to lie like that?

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