

Give Your Pup a Special Treat This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and romance is in the air! February is when men and women scurry around in search for the perfect gift that would put a smile on their sweetheart’s face. But what if your sweetheart’s smile had a little more slobber around it than usual? Of course I’m talking about your furry four-legged little darling!

Besides the tons and tons of puppy love we give our dogs all year round, Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to give them some extra special treats. But before you run off and give your dog the first tasty treat you see, remember that there are some treats that are harmful and should never be given to dogs, like chocolate and grapes. With this in mind, there are many Dog Approved People Foods that would keep your dog both healthy and super happy. Here are just a few:
1.  Peanut Butter. Popular with almost every dog, peanut butter is not only a good source of protein and nutrients, but it will keep them busy for the day. Stuff some into a Kong and watch your dog go!
2.  Cooked Chicken. Another good source of protein, chicken is some real people food that dogs go crazy for and makes them feel like they’re eating like kings!
3.  Carrots. This low calorie snack is full of nutrition and great for keeping your dog's teeth healthy and strong.  
4.  Pumpkin. A fantastic source of fiber, pumpkin can also do wonders for your dog’s digestive system.
5.  Apple. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! A crunchy snack, apples are not only full of vitamins, but they can also help keep your dog’s teeth sparkling white. Just remember to slice up the apple because the core and seeds can be a choking hazard.

These are just a few great snacks for your dog to enjoy. You should always be watchful of the portion size, to make sure you don’t go overboard with special treats. And if you ever have any doubts about what may or may not be healthy for your dog, please make sure you ask your veterinarian before doing so.
We are pleased to have Vin, as a contributing writer for If They Could Talk. Vin is a passionate dog owner. We look forward to sharing his contribution on interesting and educational pet topics.

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