

Wednesday Pet Roundup-

Hi and welcome to Wednesday Pet Roundup. I didn't have a handy picture of Kelly and Brooks today, so I thought I'd cool you off with this cute husky. I don't think he misses the snow and ice, do you? This is a reminder to enjoy the rest of your summer!

* Could this possibly be the answer, or is it more complicated: Los Angeles City Council approved a proposal to require all pets in the city to be obtained from a shelter or humane society. Could a ban on commercially-bred pets work?

* If you live in the path of Isaac, the examiner has some tips on preparing your pet as storm approaches. (Tissue alert: the accompanying slideshow made me cry, just thinking about what these pets went through.)

* Still thinking of a late-summer getaway? The Christian Science Monitor lists their Top 10 Pet Friendly hotels. 

What about you? Have you experienced any great pet-friendly vacations this summer? And, are you expecting bad weather in your area due to Hurricane Issac, and if so, how are you keeping your pets safe?

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