

Proposed Pet Increase Now at Planning Cmmision

The proposal to increase the companion animal limit is now in the
Hands of the City Planning Department!
Please call and especially e-mail the below ASAP and let them know that you support the proposal 10-0982 to increase companion animal limits in Los Angeles, and also tell Tom Rothmann that increasing the pet limits for fosters and companion guardians from 3 to 5 will NOT negatively impact the environment!
Tom Rothmann, City Planning
            213 978-1370      
Please Cc: the head of City Planning
Michael Logrande
Tom Rothmann is doing research right now to determine things like, will more doggy pee-pee get in the ocean and negatively impact the environment if Angelino's are allowed to care for two more companion animals! 
So the information to send should be more along the lines of these facts:
  1. The ocean has an island of plastic bottles bigger than the size of the state of Massachusetts. Human-animals negatively impact the environment much more than non-human animals, who have NOT negatively impacted the environment for millions of years. 
  2. Hundred of thousands of baby diapers and plastic pampers filled with urine and shit are thrown out car windows and/or left laying on our beaches. Certainly babies, kids and adults negatively impact the environment much more so than two more companion animals per household! And when our companion animals poop, we pick it up in a recyclable baggy and dispose of it properly!
  3. The ordinance requires people to keep cats indoors if they decide to get more than 3 so that could actually serve to take cats out of the environment. 
  4. The ordinance restricts the number of guard dogs on a property to two dogs and no non guard dogs are allowed on that property that that actually takes dogs out of the environment. 
  5. The AVMA says that the average family has 1.86 pets so there is no evidence to show that the community would suddenly go crazy adopting animals.
  6. There is an existing leash law to contain dogs and a requirement to pick up poop when you are out with your dog. 
  7. Apartments, condos and gated communities with homeowners associations are exempt and set their own rules. 
  8. The small number of good citizens who already have more than 3 dogs that are not a problem would be able to license the additional dog producing revenue for the city. 
  9. People would be able to provide temporary foster care for shelter animals reducing the number of animals killed and disposed of which would offer some environmental relief. 
  10. There's no limit on the number of children a person can have and some people have none and some have two and some have more. The point being that people don't just have kids because there are no imposed limits.

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