

Leadwell Cats Rescue

~ ♥ ~ Donations to help pay the veterinary costs for the remaining nine, Leadwell kittens can be made over the phone, directly, to:

Animal Medical Center
14931 Oxnard Street,
Van Nuys, CA 91411
(818) 786-1651
Reference Client #22364

~ ♥ ~ Secure PayPal donations can be made right here under my FundRazr tab! Increments of $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, $100.00... http://apps.facebook

Whatever you can give will go directly toward veterinary treatment, spaying/neutering, lab work, etc. for the Leadwell Kitties. 

Most of them still need follow-up care ASAP. Tabitha is not out-of-the-woods, Spencer is having a biopsy done on the growth in his neck/throat & an ultra sound is needed for his water balloon-like belly, Larry needs to be seen (still not putting on weight, losing appetite & severe diarrhea), diarrhea among Archie II, Cindy, & Rachel. Bob & Raggedy Ann are at Fix Nation today, foster says one of them is vomitting; may be RA - who is also very thin. I am getting out of animal rescue for personal & health reasons -AND- desperately need your help placing these remaining kittens! THANK YOU, from my heart.

~ ♥ ~ Since January of this year (2010), I have been trying to get a large-scale cat hoarding colony under control. At the time of making the commitment, I had no idea what a huge undertaking it would be. The location is a run-down, abandoned apartment complex, overgrown with weeds & strewn with debris. This is home to some 70-100+ cats, kittens, and the property owner's daughter - who is mentally ill. The 'complex' sits one block over from where I currently live in Van Nuys, CA and has been a menace to the surrounding neighborhood for well over ten years. Police & Animal Control officers have served warrants, innocent cats & kittens have been seized & destroyed, & other rescuers have tried to intervene and help cut down the numbers. Unfortunately, without proper follow-up & support, this is only a temporary fix.

Without spaying & neutering the entire colony they continue to reproduce. Although I've rescued/removed 63 cats/kittens since February of this year, it feels like I've barely made a dent! There are many kittens that are now over 8 weeks-old and are not going to be socialized, adoptable, nor easy to catch. Once they reach 4-5 months of age, they will begin to reproduce - along with the countless other litters within the remaining colony. By the next “kitten season” their numbers will have gone right back up.

The mother (who owns the property & lives off-site) and daughter (who is extremely unpredictable & difficult to deal with) pick & choose which animals I can remove. The nights that I have trapped there is, typically, tremendous interference...if not a complete lack of cooperation.

Meanwhile, these innocent creatures live in deplorable conditions, & never receive any type of vet care. Dozens have suffered & died due to illness, disease, neglect, human cruelty, hit by cars, etc. It has gotten to a point where some of the surrounding neighbors have taken matters in to their own hands & are fed up with the overpopulation, stench, flies, feces, urine, debris, & general eye sores. 

This is why I've embarked upon a large-scale TNR project. In the process I'm finding there are MANY tame/adoptable young cats & kittens. Foster homes are URGENTLY needed. Temporary housing is vital for me to remain focused on spaying & neutering. Can you HELP???

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