

Lots of People Showed Up at th Town Hall Meeting

There were eight rows of 14 seats. At the high point almost all seats were filled and there were about 20+ people standing room only, for a high point attendance of about 130 people, but with people coming and going, maybe a total of 150 or more attended. I left after about 90% of the speakers had spoken. Two were negative. Phyllis Daugherty even criticized Barnette for not having enough shelter--and I think she meant "dog catching" shelter experience. P.D. even talked about being in the trenches, and we didn't know how difficult that was. A few speakers set her straight.

All in all a great first meeting. I desperately hope we can keep this up for the Public Safety meeting and for Council. I was lucky to have been able to convince my wife to go so I had transportation. This is unlikely in the future unless Brenda sends a City car for me.

I mentioned in my talk that opponents, such as Phyllis, make up these worst case scenarios to scare Public Safety members and Council and don't fly in reality. She had stated the increased limits in LA would result in it being called the barking city. I countered that neither Santa Monica or San Diego, with either no dog limits or a limit of six, are known as barking cities.

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