

Is the City Going to Come After Feral Colonies and Caretakers?

An email I received an hour ago appears to support an earlier post that Animal Services will now be considering feral cats as wildlife and thus illegal to feed. No one from the City has responded on my earlier inquire to them if LAAS now considers ferals as wildlife.

The email:

Did you by any chance check out the Gaynor feeding station that's on your BLOG?  I stopped by there tonight.  There was dry food and fresh water on the east side of Gaynor, just south of the freeway.  So, someone has obviously fed there.
FYI:  A woman who lives in the house on the west side of Gaynor, north side of Los Alimo walked out and was watching me.  I went over and asked her if she knew who was feeding the cats.  She said no, but Animal Control had told her that if she sees anyone feeding the cats, she needs to write down their license number and call them!  She was very upset because whoever is feeding is leaving trash everywhere and she's constantly cleaning up on Gaynor by her house.  She had called AC because she felt the cats were dangerous for the health of her young son who plays in the yard and dangerous for her large bird because the cats are constantly coming into her yard.  AC also told her that they would come out and trap the cats....but, you know how that goes!
If you know who's feeding, you might want to warn them that this woman is watching and will report anyone that she sees feeding.

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