


I received a comment I had to post. This is how many in the LA animal community see animal services: utterly insane, inconsistent, and authoritarian.

Kianna~ said...

First they build huge state-of-the art shelters and then they close them down.

They tell you to spay and neuter and release, then they go after you for trapping without a permit.

They encourage you to adopt, but don't tell you that there is only a 3-animal legal limit.

If you see a problem, they tell you to do something about it yourself and redirect you to organizations to help you resolve the problem. Then they kick you in the face, threaten you, and order you to stop when you do what the organization advises.

They push TNR, then go after you for "maintaining more than the legal limit" and order you to get "rid of them."

It's about time they closed the shelters. These people either don't know their ass from a hole in the wall, or they just like intimidating people by throwing around their authority.

Maybe they're just a bunch of incompetent hypocrites who are too lazy to go after the real crimminals so they punch in the clock and put in their quota for the day by going after the easy targets.

It's about time the shelters closed down and those people found somewhere else to go, away from animals. Maybe push a lawnmower somewhere, do some custodial work, front office reception, or work at a bakery.

That leaves the ACTF to resolve animal issues. They go two-by-two, their threats are more severe and carry a gun.

Ever fell like Linda Blair in the Excorcist? They encourage you to TNR and adopt, then they send the ACTF after you to get rid of the animals they have "encouraged" you to spay and neuter, foster, and adopt yourself, after you've had them for five years.

What they want to do is close the shelters so that people end up letting their dogs loose on the street to fend for themselves from now on. If you have four dogs and a cat, "you need to get rid of two!"

If you have five cats, "get rid of two of them." They can care less if any of them were LAAS fosters and you've had them and loved them for five years. They can care even less if any of them are TNR's. You need to get rid of them.


Besides euthanizing all of those animals at the shelter, they want you to have your own animals killed. This isn't the City of Angels anymore. It's City of the Gestapo.


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