

GM Search Process Goes On

I can sympathize with those who feel the GM search process has been going on too long and in the dark.

However, my sources as mentioned in an earlier post, indicate the actual search process has not yet started, and the headhunter is still in the process of establishing a job description based on email questionaires sent to me and many others in the LA Animal Community.

Most of the people that ADL has suggested be part of the search committee will be contacted during the actual search process and some have been contacted in the job description stage. The headhunters already know which websites should be targeted once the actual search process begins.

When the search begins, it will be posted far and wide.

So my concern is not with this factfinding stage, nor whether a lot of people be informed about the job opening. My concern is the selection process itself. I think at that time people like Winograd and Batista and others should be allowed input to whomever does the winnowing at each stage.

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